Workshop on Large-Scale Parallel Processing (LSPP) Friday
27th May, 2016 Preliminary Schedule |
Keynote Presentation
9:00 The Transformation of Supercomputer Facilities
Michael Papka, ALCF Director and Deputy Associate Laboratory Director, Argonne National Laboratory
10:00 Coffee Break
Session 1: Making Efficient Use of Advanced Architectures
10:30 Evaluating the Performance Impact of Multiple Streams on MIC-based Heterogeneous Platforms, Zhaokui Li, Jianbin Fang, Tao Tang, Xuhao Chen, Cheng Chen, and Canqun Yang
11:00 Parallel Implementation Strategies for Hierarchical Non-Uniform Memory Access Systems by Example of the Scale-Invariant Feature Transform Algorithm, Max Plauth, Wieland Hagen, Frank Feinbube, Felix Eberhardt, Lena Feinbube, and Andreas Polze
11:30 Efficient Genetic Algorithm Encoding for Large-Scale Multi-Objective Resource Allocation, J.D. Leidel, Ryan Friese
12:00 Lunch Break
Session 2: Workflow Modeling and Optimization
1:30 Integrating Prediction, Provenance, and Optimization into High Energy Workflows, Darren J. Kerbyson, Mahantesh Halappanavar, Eric Stephan, Malachi Schram, Kevin J. Barker, Nathan R. Tallent, Ryan Friese, Jian Yin
2:00 X-Swap: Extreme-Scale Scientific Workflow Analysis and Prediction -- Lessons from the Trenches, John Wu
2:30 Performance Analysis of On-demand Light Source Applications, Ian Foster
3:00 Coffee Break
3: Workflow Modeling and Optimization continued and Modeling at Scale
3:30 Toward and End-to-end Framework for Modeling, Monitoring, and Anomaly Detection for Scientific Workflows, Anir Mandal, Paul Ruth, Ilya Baldin, Dariusz Krol, Gideon Juve, Rajiv Mayani, Rafael Ferreira da Silva, Ewa Deelman, Jeremy Meredith, Jeffrey Vetter, Vickie Lynch, Ben Mayer, James Wynne III, Mark Blanco, Chris Carothers, Justin LaPre, Brian Tierney
4:00 Modeling the Performance and Energy Impact of Dynamic Power Steering, Kevin J. Barker and Darren J. Kerbyson
4:30 Closing Remarks
Workshop Chairs: Kevin J. Barker, Pacific
Northwest National Laboratory
Christopher D. Carothers, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Eric van Hensbergen, ARM Research