Multi-level heterogeneous parallelism and deep memory hierarchies in current and emerging computer systems make their programming for high-performance applications very difficult. The task is made more challenging by the changing landscape of system architecture mandated by power and micro-architecture considerations. Domain-specific languages (DSLs) and high-level frameworks (HLFs) provide convenient abstractions, shielding application developers from much of the complexity and variability of explicitly programming in standard programming languages like C/C++/Fortran. Effective design of such abstractions for the high-performance computing context requires close interaction between researchers developing such languages and frameworks and domain experts with a deep understanding of the problem to be solved.
While a number of other venues exist that address domain-specific languages and high-level programming abstractions, none of them focus on the challenges to performance optimization and implementation on parallel systems. This workshop seeks to bring together developers and users of DSLs and HLFs to identify challenges and discuss solution approaches for their effective implementation and use on a variety of platforms, including massively parallel systems.
We solicit submissions on all aspects relating to domain-specific languages and high-level frameworks for the HPC context, including, but not limited to, the design, evaluation, or use of:
We plan multiple modes of participation in the workshop:
Short abstract and oral presentation: Submissions should be no more than a page in pdf format and include all authors and their affiliations. In addition to new ideas, experience stories, challenges faced, and overview of prior work are encouraged.
Full papers: Submissions should be 6-8 pages in pdf format and follow ACM conference formatting guidelines.
Both forms of submissions will be reviewed and the authors notified. At least one of the authors of each accepted submission is expected to attend and present at the workshop. The abstracts of the talks and the final manuscripts of papers will be made available online at the workshop site. Selected papers from the workshop maybe invited to a special issue of a journal. Details TBD.Abstracts and full papers should be made should be submitted online using easychair.
Submission deadline (extended): 30 Apr 2011
Author notification: 5 May 2011
Final papers due : 20 May 2011
WOLFHPC workshop : 31 May 2011
Sriram Krishnamoorthy, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
J. (Ram) Ramanujam, Louisiana State University
P. (Saday) Sadayappan, The Ohio State University
David E. Bernholdt, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Please contact the program chairs at: