The best paper award of PACT2019 goes to -- "BOLT: Optimizing OpenMP Parallel Regions with User-Level Threads" from the University of Tokyo and Argonne National Laboratory! Congratulations!!!
The Student Research Competition (SRC) winner of PACT2019 is "Domain Specialized Cache Management for Graph Analytics" by Priyank Faldu, Jeff Diamond, and Boris Grot! Congratulations!!!
PACT is happening now !!! Check our posts on Facebook and Twitter!
Call for Papers
PACT is a long-running and unique conference at the intersection of classical parallel architectures and compilers that brings together researchers from architecture, compilers, programming languages, and applications to present and discuss their latest research results.
PACT is seeking proposals for workshops and tutorials to accompany the conference. Proposals are solicited for tutorials and workshops to be held immediately before and/or after the conference.
The Student Research Competition (SRC) is a forum for graduate and undergraduate students to share their research results, exchange ideas, and improve their communication skills while competing for prizes.
PACT is a long-running and unique conference at the intersection of classical parallel architectures and compilers that brings together researchers from architecture, compilers, programming languages, and applications to present and discuss their latest research results. Applications as a driver for innovations in architectures and compilers is an important theme of the conference.
General Chair's Welcome
It is my great pleasure to welcome you to PACT 2019, which will be held on September 21-25 in Seattle, Washington.
While being one of the world's most exciting hubs for technology, industry, and innovation, Seattle is also surrounded by the majestic natural environment of the Pacific Northwest.
PACT has become a leading Computer Science conference because of the hard work and dedication of its organizers, committee chairs, committee members, and (most of all) you its contributors.
We look forward to seeing you at PACT 2019!