September 22nd, Sunday, 1:00-5:00pm


The Structural Simulation Toolkit: A high-performance parallel simulation framework


Gwen Voskuilen (Sandia National Laboratories), Clay Hughes (Sandia National Laboratories), and Mengchi Zhang (Purdue University)


Room: Pioneer


As the science of high-performance computing (HPC) evolves, there is a growing need to understand and quantify the performance and compositional value of emerging technologies. Modeling and simulation techniques are well positioned to serve this purpose. The Structural Simulation Toolkit (SST) is a parallel discrete event-driven simulation framework that provides highly customizable tools to create and integrate models for evaluating current and novel HPC node architectures, interconnect networks, and infrastructures. Tutorial participants will be introduced to key facets of conducting reproducible simulations of HPC architectures and infrastructures. Through a blended process of presentation and tutorial examples, attendees will be exposed to the SST framework with a focus on the new GPGPU-Sim component.