
12th Workshop on Irregular Applications: Architectures and Algorithms

November 18, 2022
Kay Bailey-Hutchinson Conference Center
Dallas, TX
In conjunction with SC22
In cooperation with IEEE



8:30 - 8:35Welcome and Introduction
Antonino Tumeo (PNNL), Marco Minutoli (PNNL), Vito Giovanni Castellana (PNNL), John Feo (PNNL)
8:35 - 9:10Invited Talk 1 - Architecture.
Chair: Antonino Tumeo (PNNL)

Efficient Processing of Large Graph Applications Using Asynchronous Architectures
Michel Kinsy (Arizona State University)
9:10 - 10:00

9:10 - 9:30

9:30 - 9:50

9:50 - 10:00
Paper Session 1.
Chair: Ankur Limaye (PNNL)

Page-Address Coalescing of Vector Gather Instructions for Efficient Address Translation
Takayashiki, Sato, Komatsu, Kobayashi

The Evolution of a New Model of Computation
Page, Kogge 

Blocking Sparse Matrices to Leverage Dense-Specific Multiplication 
Sylos Labini, Vella, Bernaschi, Silvestri, Nutt 
10:00 - 10:30Coffee Break
10:30 - 11:05Invited Talk 2 - Algorithms.
Chair: Marco Minutoli (PNNL)

Parallel Batch-Dynamic Graph Algorithms
Julian Shun (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
11:05 - 11:55

11:05 - 12:25

11:25 - 11:45

11:45 - 11:55
Paper Session 2.
Chair: Nicolas Bohm Agostini (PNNL)

SparseLU, A Novel Algorithm and Math Library for Sparse LU Factorization
Valero-Lara, Greenwalt, Vetter

Compressed In-Memory Graphs for Accelerating GPU-Based Analytics
Azami, Burtscher

Accelerating Datalog Applications with cuDF
Shovon, Dyken, Green, Gilray, Kumar
11:55 - 12:00Closing Remaks
Antonino Tumeo (PNNL), Marco Minutoli (PNNL), Vito Giovanni Castellana (PNNL), John Feo (PNNL)

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