Aydin Buluç, LBNL, US
Timothy A. Davis, University of Florida, US
Jana Doppa, Washington State University, US
John Gilbert, University of California at Santa Barbara, US
Oded Green, Georgia Institute of Technology & NVIDIA, US
Jeremy Kepner, MIT, US
Arif Khan, PNNL, US
Hao Lu, ORNL, US
Kamesh Madduri, The Pennsylvania State University, US
Rupesh Nasre, IIT Madras, IN
John Owens, University of California, Davis, US
Arnau Prat, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, ES
Jason Riedy, Georgia Institute of Technology, US
P. Sadayappan, The Ohio State University, US
A. Erdem Sarıyüce, University at Buffalo, US
Arun Sathanur, PNNL, US
Brian Van Essen, LLNL, US
Flavio Vella, Free University of Bozen, IT
Yangzihao Wang, Tencent, CN
Marinka Zitnik, Stanford University, US
Jaroslaw Zola, University at Buffalo, US