Due to the COVID-19 emergency, the physical IPDPS 2020 conference has been canceled. Papers and static presentations, including the GrAPL workshop material, will be made available to all IPDPS registrants by Friday May 15th.
The GrAPL organizing committee has planned an exciting online program, consisting in two LIVE 45-minute Q&S sessions on May 18 (starting at 8:00 AM PDT, 3:00 PM UTC, 5:00 PM CET) with the keynote speakers and the invited talks according to the schedule below. The schedule below contains videos of the keynote talks and 3-5 lighting talks of accepted papers authors pitching the GrAPL community to read the papers and prepare to ask questions at the online sessions.
Register for free at the IPDPS website to get instructions on how to access papers and static presentations for GrAPL: http://www.ipdps.org
To attend the Zoom Sessions, we ask participants to register in advance at the following link: https://tinyurl.com/grapl2020
The organizing committee will then provide the link to the session.
Time | Event |
8:00~8:45 | Session 1 Welcome message Algorithms and Applications Kronecker Graph Generation with Ground Truth for 4-Cycles and Dense Structure in Bipartite Graphs Trevor Steil (University of Minnesota), Scott McMillan (SEI, Carnegie Mellon University), Geoffrey Sanders (LLNL), Roger Pearce (LLNL), Benjamin Priest (LLNL) A scalable graph generation algorithm to sample over a given shell distribution M. Yusuf Özkaya (Georgia Institute of Technology), Muhammed Fatih Balin (Georgia Institute of Technology), Ali Pinar (SNL), Ümit V. Çatalyürek (Georgia Institute of Technology) An incremental GraphBLAS solution for the 2018 TTC Social Media case study Márton Elekes (Budapest University of Technology and Economics), Gábor Szárnyas (Budapest University of Technology and Economics) Linear Algebraic Louvain Method in Python Tze Meng Low (Carnegie Mellon University), Daniele Spampinato (Carnegie Mellon University), Scott McMillan (SEI, Carnegie Mellon University), Michel Pelletier (FPX, LLC) |
8:45~9:00 | Break |
9:00~9:45 | Session 2 Keynote - The GraphIt Universal Graph Framework: Achieving High-Performance across Algorithms, Graph Types and Architectures Saman Amarasinghe (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) API's and Implementations Parallelizing Maximal Clique Enumeration on Modern Manycore Processors Jovan Blanuša (IBM Research - Zürich, EPFL), Radu Stoica (IBM Research - Zürich), Paolo Ienne (EPFL), Kubilay Atasu (IBM Research - Zürich) A Roadmap for the GraphBLAS C++ API Benjamin A. Brock (UC Berkeley), Aydın Buluç (LBNL), Timothy G. Mattson (Intel), Scott McMillan (SEI, Carnegie Mellon University), José E. Moreira (IBM) Considerations for a Distributed GraphBLAS API Benjamin A. Brock (UC Berkeley), Aydın Buluç (LBNL), Timothy G. Mattson (Intel), Scott McMillan (SEI, Carnegie Mellon University), José E. Moreira (IBM), Roger Pearce (LLNL), Oguz Selvitopi (LBNL), Trevor Steil (University of Minnesota) 75,000,000,000 Streaming Inserts/Second Using Hierarchical Hypersparse GraphBLAS Matrices Jeremy Kepner (MIT Lincoln Laboratory) |