- Grappolo: A C++ library implementing parallel graph clustering algorithms. The code is targeted for multithreaded architectures.
- Ripples:
Parallel Influence Maximization for CPU-GPU distributed
- Matchbox-MT: A C/C++ library to compute several variants of matching in graphs. The code is targeted for multithreaded architectures.
- GPU-Suitor:
A C++ library for approximate weighted matching on Nvidia GPUs.
- Juggernaut: A C++ library for efficient assignment of judges to cars at Jaguar competitions.
- ParCD: A C/C++ library implementing several Stochastic Coordinate Descent (SCD) algorithms. The code is targeted for multithreaded architectures.
- MatchboxP: A C/C++ library to compute half-approximation weighted matching in graphs. The code is targeted for distributed-memory architectures.
- Milan: A C++ library implementing several optimal and approximate matching algorithms. This was the first library on matching developed during my thesis.
- Other libraries that are available upon request:
- Extraction of maximal chordal subgraph from a graph: C/C++ and OpenMP library.
- Distance-1 and partial distance-2 coloring: C/C++ and OpenMP library.
- Balanced coloring: Several heuristics for balanced distance-1 and partial distance-2 coloring.
- Network flow: C++ targeting Cray XMT.