on Multithreaded
Architectures and Applications
Held in
Conjunction with the
Parallel and
Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS 2007)
Long Beach, California, March 30, 2007
Luiz DeRose (Cray)
Jarek Nieplocha (PNNL)
David Bader (Georgia Tech)
Frank Baetke
Calin Cascaval (IBM)
Barbara Chapman (U. Houston)
John Feo (Cray)
Guang Gao (U. Delaware)
Bruce Hendrickson (Sandia National Laboratory)
Andres Marquez (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory)
Michael Merrill (DoD)
Jose Moreira (IBM)
Walid Najjar (U. California
Fabrizio Petrini (Pacific
Northwest National Laboratory)
Josep Torellas (University
of Illinois)
Mateo Valero (Universitat
de Catalunya)
Jeff Vetter (Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Georgia Tech)
Multithreading (MT)
programming and execution
models are starting to permeate the high-end and mainstream computing
This trend is driven by the need to increase processor utilization and
with the memory-processor speed gap. Recent and upcoming examples
that fit this profileare
Cray's Eldorado,
IBM Cyclops, and several SMT processors from Sun (UltraSparc
T1), IBM (Power5+, Power6), Intel (Xeon with hyperthreading).
The underlying rationale to increase processor utilization is a varying
mix of new
metrics that take performance improvements as well as better power and
budgeting into account. Yet, it remains a challenge to identify and
productively program applications for these architectures with a
substantial performance improvement. This workshop intends to identify
applications that are amenable to MT and the MT programming and
models as well as the underlying architectures on which they can
thrive. The
workshop seeks to explore programming frameworks in the form of MT
and libraries, compilers, analysis and debugging tools to increase the
programming productivity.
Topics of interest
are guided by their application
impact and include but are not limited to following topics:
Results of both
theoretical and practical
significance will be considered.
The proceedings of this workshop have been published together with the proceedings of other IPDPS 2007 workshops by the IEEE Computer Society Press.
Submitted manuscripts
may not exceed 20
single-spaced pages using a 12-point font on
8½×11-inch pages,
everything included (figures, tables, references, etc.). Manuscripts
must be
submitted electronically and in either PostScript or PDF format.
will be judged on correctness, originality, technical strength, significance, quality of
presentation, and interest and
relevance to the workshop attendees. Submitted papers may not have
appeared in
or be under consideration for another workshop, conference, or journal.
MTAAP submissions are
being handled by EDAS system.
To submit a paper, please use the
following link
and follow the instructions.
Papers due: |
December 2006 |
PC reviews due: |
January 2007 |
Notification of acceptance: |
January 2007 |
Camera-ready due: |
January 2007 |
For more information
on MTAAP 2007 or if you have
any questions please contact the workshop organizers at the e-mail
listed at the bottom of this page.